Empowering women to discover and live out God’s purpose for their lives.



Our Mission

To serve our neighbors; assisting them in discovering God’s purpose for their lives and living out that purpose. Through teaching, life coaching, mentoring, spiritual guidance, partnerships and community engagement, we assist people with increasing self-sustainability, obtaining gainful employment, and securing and maintaining stable housing.



The Vision

To be a Christ-centered ministry that empowers people to engage life according to the fullness of their God-given potential situated in a loving community.



Who We Serve


We serve women who would benefit from assistance to gain stability in their employment, finances, and housing after recovery, incarceration, being impacted by incarceration, or facing other challenging circumstances.


the reason

Our Life Scholars

Prior to the start of each fiscal year, and after going through an application process, 12 women are selected as Life Scholars. Throughout the year, Root12 works with each Life Scholar, individually and collectively, to empower her to shift her mental paradigm and live out her God-given purpose using a 12-lesson curriculum and a Customized Life Plan (CLP).


You play a part

We need your help

Here are some ways you can support and become a partner in the work God is doing to transform lives!



Please pray that Root12 would grow in community impact, self-sustainability, capacity, and partnerships.

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There are so many ways to help. Whether you give with your time or with donations, there's a place for you in our hearts.

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