Helping starts today


Your Generosity Matters

Other ways to support


Support a Scholar

The needs for each Life Scholar can be found on the Life Scholars page of our site. The needs vary from person to person so support for our Scholars range from covering assistance with housing needs, personal and professional growth, and benevolence.  Each scholar’s needs are met through a one-for-one giving model. We embrace this model for many great reasons. The one we love most is that it provides the opportunity to connect our donors directly to our Scholars. You know exactly who you’re helping and how. Then, you can follow the story of each Scholar and the impact that the generosity of this loving community has on each person’s life. This model also allows all donors to have a maximum impact no matter the size of the gift because each gift meets a need that is significant for our Scholars.



Attend or Sponsor an Event

If you are interested in attending our events, please contact LeTicia Preacely in order to subscribe to our mailing and/or email distribution list. If you are interested in sponsoring a Root12 fundraiser, community outreach event, Life Scholar outing, or retreat, please contact LeTicia Preacely at 859.806.5643 or