from our executive director

Dear Prospective Life Scholar


I am excited you are interested in Root12 and commend you for taking this step. There are a few ways for you to know if Root12 is for you. If you have gone through a recovery or homelessness prevention program, been incarcerated, been impacted by incarceration, or faced other challenging circumstances, then Root12 may be for you. Also, if you would benefit from an intimate relationship of learning and growing in order to gain stability in your employment, finances, and/or housing, then Root12 may be for you. 

The mission of Root12 is to empower you to engage life according to the fullness of your God-given potential situated in a loving community. This is done through the Extreme Mind Makeover© curriculum, lots of teaching, life coaching, mentoring, spiritual guidance, vital partnerships, and community engagement.

If you believe Root12 is for you, this application will be used to get to know you better so please fill it out completely and thoughtfully. Each year, the board will carefully vet the applications, conduct interviews and select 12 Life Scholars in August to start in September for a full year of partnership with Root12.

If you have any questions about the application or Root12 generally, feel free to contact me directly at

All the best,

LeTicia Signature.png

LeTicia Preacely
Executive Director


“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” —Marianne Williamson


our purpose, is your purpose

Our Services


“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” —Mahatma Gandhi


Root12 implements a customized 12-lesson curriculum and a Customized Life Plan (CLP) to guide each Scholar to transformation.

  • The 12-week curriculum, Extreme Mind Makeover© is designed to renew the mind (Romans 12:2) and shift the mental paradigm. This study sets the groundwork for the Root12 experience and serves as a constant point of reference throughout the process.
  • The CLP allows each woman to identify goals, set a plan of action, and connect the dots of her story to discover her God-given purpose.
  • The CLP also serves as an assessment tool that provides a road map for growth throughout the year.
  • For the months following, a series of individual meetings, workshops, and small and large group sessions take place with each Life Scholar.
  • There is mentorship, guidance and one-to-one training with the Executive Director and a team of professionals who specialize in areas including financial and household management, and workforce and leadership development.
  • Because we serve the whole person, coaching, advocacy, spiritual guidance, social engagement, and partnerships with existing social service organizations are also a part of the Root12 approach. 
  • Prayer and devotionals are incorporated into the lessons, workshops and programming, while each woman is encouraged to make an impact on at least one area of personal concern within the community.

Life Scholar Support

Throughout her tenure, a loving community supports each Scholar. This support covers assistance with housing needs, personal and professional growth, and benevolence.
